Timetable of 2023 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications


Day 2,Sep. 26, 2023Tuesday


Plenary Session 1@Plenary Session

2023-09-26 08:45 ~ 12:30

Gucun Park Hotel Triumphant Palace

Timetable V5 Updated:2023-09-26 08:28:16

Start End Duration ID Title
08:45 09:00 15 Welcome Address
09:00 10:00 60 131
Spatial Sigma-Delta Modulation for Massive MIMO Downlink
Wing-Kin Ma/Chinese University of Hong Kong
Keynote speech
10:00 10:30 30 137
Thematic Talk
10:30 12:00 90 RS1, RS2, RS3, SS1, SS2
12:00 12:30 30 140

Plenary Session 2@Plenary Session

2023-09-26 14:00 ~ 17:30

Gucun Park Hotel Triumphant Palace

Timetable V5 Updated:2023-09-26 08:28:16

Start End Duration ID Title
14:00 15:00 60 132
Keynote speech
15:00 16:30 90 RS4, RS5, SS3, SS4
16:30 17:00 30 139
Signal and array processing with an electromagnetic array manifold
Robert Heath/North Carolina State University
Thematic Talk
17:00 17:30 30 142
Integrated sensing and communication systems: Performance Analysis and Key Techniques
Mugen Peng/Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunication
Thematic Talk
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